We are pleased that you have taken the time to learn more about Christ Lutheran School, West Covina! We would love to speak with you personally to answer your questions about how we can partner with you in raising your children to follow God and pursue academic excellence. Please contact the school at or (626) 967-7531 for additional information.
If interested, we would be happy to give you a full tour of Christ Lutheran School, West Covina. Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly to schedule a tour.
The following standards shall apply to all children applying for the kindergarten educational program from Christ Lutheran Preschool. Due to facility space limitations in our elementary school, no preschool child is guaranteed a place in Kindergarten.
- A child shall have observed his/her 5th birthday by September 15 of the current year.
- A child shall be tested through approved evaluation (developmental, maturity, and academic) by a trained staff member and evaluated for physical and emotional kindergarten readiness by the preschool classroom teacher. This evaluation must reflect scores in the average to above average range. The family’s tuition accounts must be current. An account is not current if it is past the established 10-day grace period.
- The files of all preschool students who have been tested for Christ Lutheran Kindergarten will be submitted to the Admissions Committee for review and selection. The committee will examine each student’s file contents, including teacher comments, payment history, as well as test scores and evaluator’s comments.
- When more students qualify than space allows, the following criteria shall apply: 1st consideration: **Returning Church Members with sibling(s) enrolled (*sibling is defined as a member of the same household who is currently enrolled prior to the test application deadline).
2nd Consideration: Returning Non-Church Member with *sibling(s) enrolled. (Returning student must have completed two consecutive months prior to test application deadline).
3rd Consideration: **Returning Church Member
4th Consideration: Returning Non-Church Member (In the event there are more “eligible returning non-church members” than spaces allow, consideration in tuition responsibility, length of enrollment and parental cooperation will be a factor in determining selection).
** Church member consideration is given after six months of active church membership. An active member is defined as:
- Attended worship services at least 50% of the Sundays during the past calendar year, and faithfully partaking of Holy Communion.
- Attempting to contribute an amount equal to the difference between regular and discounted tuition rates to Christ Lutheran Church (may be designated for school use).
It is of the utmost importance that parents constantly seek to remind themselves that their support of the school, especially in regards to prompt payment of tuition and a willingness to volunteer in school projects, does operate as a pre-requisite to re-registration and a condition for continued presence in the school. The school reserves the right to deny re-admission or continued enrollment to any family delinquent in tuition. In addition, failure to support the philosophy, objectives, and policies of the school may also result in a bar to re-admission or continued enrollment.
The administration and faculty of Christ Lutheran School wish to remind every family that this school is not geared to accommodate those students who demonstrate significant grade level deficiencies or behavioral problems. We do all in our power to recommend and/or schedule specialized testing where academic deficiencies may be caused by specific learning disabilities and will assist in referrals for alternate school placement where necessary.
The following standards shall apply to all children Kdg-8th grade enrolling in the elementary education program at Christ Lutheran School whether re-enrolling or new enrollment.
- A child enrolling for 1st through 3rd grade shall have observed the birthday appropriate for his/her grade level by September 15 of the current year. Exceptions will be made only for students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance and a high level of maturity as indicated by testing and recommendations received from the previous school.
- A child shall be tested through approved testing (standardized tests) and oral evaluation (conferences with parents-child-principal), and recommendations shall be received from previous school administrator or teacher.
- Test results and all other materials available for review shall be submitted to the Admissions Committee for selection. This shall apply to any child who seeks admission at any time during the year.
- If a child falls below grade level in one or two major academic areas, the child may be considered for admission with the approval of the Admissions Committee on the condition that the child receives remedial education in the below grade level area. Parents will be informed that their child’s acceptance is conditional and his progress will be reviewed at the end of the 1st quarter (or sooner, at the request of the teacher) to determine if the child is making progress toward functioning at grade level. This review process shall also apply to a child who has been conditionally accepted due to past behavioral problems.
- A child who has previously attended Christ Lutheran School shall be re-enrolled with the following considerations: (1) cooperation in class and playground (2) absenteeism/tardiness (3) willing attitudes (4) parental cooperation and (5) tuition responsibility (6) length of continuous enrollment.
- In cases where more student applications have been received than class capacity allows, acceptance will be based on the same considerations as listed above.
To ensure that the parents and/or legal guardians of new Christ Lutheran students understand what Christ Lutheran Church believes and how they practice the Christian faith, a new enrollee’s parents (one or both) or legal guardians will be required to attend a two-hour Pastor’s “New Parent Orientation Session” to be arranged through the school office. Upon completion of the session, the parent or guardian will sign acknowledging that they have attended.
It is understood that no new child will be able to continue enrollment in Christ Lutheran School without the parents or legal guardians attending the Pastor’s “New Parent Orientation”.