Easy Ways to Earn Free Money for CLS
These organizations partner with Christ Lutheran School by giving a percentage of the money you spend in their establishments back to the school. It’s a great opportunity to direct your shopping dollars to the organizations who believe in giving back to education. These programs make participation easy, and are excellent opportunities for friends and family to join in supporting CLS!

When you start your shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to CLS. It’s the same Amazon you love, but they add a donation to our school! >MORE INFO

Look for and clip Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products. Each coupon is worth $0.10 for our school. To see a complete list of products with Box Tops coupons or to get special Bonus Box Tops offers, go to www.boxtops4education.com. If lower school student, turn into a  teacher. If middle or upper school student, turn into the school office. >MORE INFO

MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM: If your company has a matching gift program you can easily multiply your gift! Send in your Matching Gift Form and our Development office will do the rest.