PTF Welcome Letter
Welcome, Christ Lutheran School Parents to the Parent Teacher Fellowship web page. As CLS Parents you are automatically PTF members. We will try to post information on this page to give early notice regarding Fundraising Events and Point Opportunities. We need your participation and ideas to make the PTF successful enriching our children’s experience at Christ Lutheran School.
PTF President
PTF President-Elect
PTF Treasurer
PTF Secretary
Our PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) is a group of parents and teachers who work together to benefit CLS. Our goal is to increase the effectiveness of the educational program of our school and campus. What we do in PTF directly affects each and every one of our children. We would love for you to take a look at what our PTF is currently doing and why you should be involved.
To provide a forum for Christ Lutheran School Teachers and Parents to join together to create an open dialog about the school needs beyond that which can be funded by tuition.
The fellowship creates, provides volunteers and manages fundraisers which finance; books for the library, hardware, and software for computer technology, playground equipment as well as any other needs they determine are required in order to provide the best learning opportunity for the children of Christ Lutheran School.
Why participate in PTF?
- No sign up required! You are already a member!
- Your participation will make this school year better for your child
- We welcome your ideas
- We value your time. No amount of time is too little or too much.
- Fun way to fulfill your POINT requirements
- Meetings are only once a month
- Build comradery with fellow parents
- Members are really, really nice
PTF sponsored events/projects.
- Preschool playground
- Day School playground
- JR High Events
- Christmas Boutique
- PE Department Enrichment
- Imagination Machine
- Book Fair
- Me and My Gal
- Me and My Guy
- Ladies Tea
- Cultural Events/International Day
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Field Day
- Library Enrichment
- Classroom support
Why we would love you to join PTF!
- It’s flexible
- We need YOUR talent!
- Your opinion COUNTS!
- Chair or Co-chair an event
- Volunteer for events
- Collect those Box Tops
- Make purchases through Amazon Smile